Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Traveling Mouse.....and gelatin nightmares.

Did anyone else know that Gummi Bears are made from gelatin? I suppose I could have guessed but i mean still... Swedish fish--no gelatin.

Maybe i should explain something.
I hate Jello- its a freak of nature and science. It wiggles. Why would i want to eat something that moved unnaturally on its own. Weird.(Sidenote-I once had a nightmare that a huge piece of lime green jello was chancing me down my street and engulfing everything inside of its self, undulating down the road--after me.)

However-- Gummi Bears are virtually a motionless snack food, and are hands down my life long favorite.(sidenote- when i was in junior high me and my friend used to buy them by the lb and lay on my bedroom floor and throw them into the air and try and catch'm in our mouths)

So the other day I say to WOODY-"did ya know Gummi Bears are fat free" and she says "ya if only they were animal bone marrow free" Now i know that gelatin is made from animal bone marrow and that's in Jello. So i say with disgust- "ya i know- ugh...Jello" THEN it hits me.... she wasn't talking about Jello..... "NOOooOooooOOOOo--not Gummi bears". I cried--You might have though my dog died. (sidenote six months ago my dog did die, Sadie, a shihtzu I wrote a hillbilly parody song about her once, RIP I cried like a baby for a week.)

I haven't eaten a Gummi Bear since( since finding out about the gelatin not since my dogs death) Though Lots of things have happened in my life since my dogs death- i got another dog- a boyfriend- a quarter-life crisis- a membership to a boxing gym- (a blog :) )--- and a smattering of other events I'll discuss later...one of which has led me to this current computer @ my office....with the traveling mouse.
All I want to do is click but the mouse is circulating around the area in which i wish to click. So now i wait like a lioness waiting for her kill...having to time it out----click(pounce)just as it moves over the button but again ***Click***.... no, it clicks on something else... another web page maybe taking me somewhere that I never needed be the first place... and it takes me twice as long to get back to what i was originally doing. Or how about like now--- as i am typing this blog the mouse is dancing around my screen, placing itself into paragraphs i have already finished. Here we are again I NEED to purchase a new mouse.. but instead-- i got a 3-hole-punch... and in the 6 months that i have bought it--- i have yet to 3-hole-punch one piece of paper---Wait
----- Just now for the first time, i have made a 3-hole-punch... and wasted a perfectly good piece of paper in the process. UGH!

Killing time and Trees--

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