Thursday, February 11, 2010

Toppins-a-bay..troubador sings my day

11:02 PM

Sitting at computer ---blogging.

Slacking, I should be packing (rhyme not intended) I am headed out of state @ 4:00 AM
and I have a 9---count it NINE hour drive a head of me. Although I am very much looking forward to it. I will be seeing my lover whom I havent seen since January. ( as i typed i realized by addressing him as my lover it seems like i am having an affair--- I assure you ---im NOT) My Boy lives out of state as he is in the Service.

I have clothes strewn all over my bed hoping that they will place themselves in my bag-- doubtful. My mind is rather clear tonight, much to my surprise....(remember my big meeting?) It went very well I think and I was asked to develop a business proposal in 24 hours. --Done and done. It took be a whole 12 hours to complete and I feel drained of all sense and creativity. My ramblings, arent so.

Its been snowing for about a week, on and off. SUCKS! I was house/dog sitting for my neighbor at the time too. I shoveled about a total of 9 times. I like it when the snow is quiet. Its quite beautiful, calming, a type of serenity....perhaps another aide to my peace-of-mind.

I wish I was Mary Poppins and I could just open up my heinous carpet bag and let all of my belongings jump on in to a lovely tune. (sidenote ---any one know what a troubadour is? well Definition :was a composer and performer of lyric poetry during the High Middle Ages. The King would hire them to come along and entertain the courts with song about what occurred in during the day, week, etc. I want one!!! Badly-- to follow me along and play music about my day. :) Random.)

---that way i wouldnt have to pack (mary poppins---bag-- Keep up people)
Speaking of Mary Poppins, my one friend BANANA always thought the bird lady sang "feed the birds poppins poppins feed the bird poppings-a-bay"

we argued for about 3 days. I tried to explain that they lyric was actually "tuppence, a bag" Meaning you could have the bag of bird feed for a tuppence (two pennies) (sidenote- she hears everything wrong-always you might have thought she was an eldery woman hard of hearing)

Much like my mother--- who is. Though she cant hear anything you say right too her... walk away and she hears everything you say. A phenom that woman.

i feel myself draining as we speak.. cant think must pack.

Slacking and packing---